Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tofu Curry

Again, you see I'm doing a curry. A curry can be with anything: meat, chicken, vegetables. This time, since I was serving with other meat dishes, I balanced it out with a vegetarian curry.

1 can Coconut Milk
2 tablespoon Yellow Curry Paste (Thailand)
1/2 cup Chopped Onions
2 stalks smashed lemongrass
2 tablespoon Vegetable oil
Salt and Sugar to taste 1 packet Soft Tofu (cut into cubes)
1 bunch Asparagus
1 zuchini (cut into cubes)
few Cherry tomatoes (cut halves)

1. Use a 8" pot or bigger to cook this curry and put medium heat.
2. Caramelised the chopped onions with the vegetable oil.
3. Add in curry paste and lemon grass together, stir fried a little until the oil changes its color to yellow.
4. Add zuchini, asparagus and tomatoes. Stir for a minute or two.
5. Add in the coconut milk, fish sauce and tofu. Let simmer for 2-3 minutes.
6. Add salt and sugar to taste, should be a little sweeter side but maintain the creaminess of the coconut milk. Garnish with cilantro.

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